Free Online PDF converter - PDFconv

Posted by Muhammed Posted on Saturday, October 13, 2012

PDF is a file format which invented by Adobe and it is called Portable Document Format. It is one of widely used document format in Internet. Most of us might come across to create a PDF file for our personal or business purpose. It will cost us to buy a product for create one or two files only. Here I would like to share a tweak which you can use to create PDF file from some other format.

If you have the document in word format, you can convert files to the PDF format right online without having to even install any sort of software on your computer. PDFconv will do everything you want for free and without any download required. It also supports multiple formats, including JPG, BMP, DOC, TXT, HTML, GIF, RTF and about fifty others.

To get started, simply browse to and click the “Browse” button, then navigate to the file you want to convert to a PDF document.  Click “OK” and the file will immediately begin uploading to the PDFconv web app. Once you have uploaded your files (you can do up to five files at a time) you can click the “Convert files to PDF” link and the process will begin.  Depending on the file size and the amount of files you added, this could take a few seconds or a few minutes. When the process completes you will be prompted to right-click the file and choose the “save” option to get your new PDF document onto your computer.

The web app is free, but it does have some reasonable limitations.  It can only convert five files at a time and there is a file size limit of 25 MB. For those who don’t need to process a lot files then this online solution should work fine.