Social Networks and Spam

Posted by Muhammed Posted on Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The one way which spreads malware through Internet is sending unsolicited mails or links through social networking sites. Once you click on such links you are automatically taken to some inappropriate website. Sometimes it takes you to some application which asks you to allow accessing your account. If you allow those applications or download such programs, your computer will be infecting with malware and it secretly giving spammer control over Face book or Twitter accounts. Then it post spam messages that claim to offer Free Mobile recharge, Free Money or some nude content on your social networking profiles and spread the infection. If someone follows these links, it repeats the same cycle with him.

 How to stop it?

1. Never Click On Such Links 

2. Users should mark such messages as spam, alerting responding social networking site-integrity team. They will filters out messages that include the link.

3. If your computer is infected, individuals have to uninstall the Malware from their web browsers, or run anti-virus software that removes it.

4. Reset User account password.