Free PDF to DOC Conversion Online

Posted by Muhammed Posted on Wednesday, June 19, 2013

More and more people use computers on a daily basis for work, school, or entertainment; some statistics show that the number is as high as four billion users in 2013. Working in an office today is unthinkable without word processing and data management programs.

As everyone who uses MS Office suite knows, there are many benefits, but also disadvantages to each particular Office program. One of their major downsides is the fact that they are not universal and easily viewable on every platform.

There are so many different types of computers and platforms, that sending a Word file to someone, for example, does not guarantee that the person will be able to open it. To that end, people usually send their MS Office documents in Portable Document Format that is the universal file format easily viewable across platforms, operating systems and browsers.

However, once users receive PDF files, they cannot edit them without some additional program for PDF management. Luckily, the Internet is full of useful file converters and one of the most popular free online conversion tools for editing .doc and .docx formats is the Free Online PDF to Word Converter (

This quick converter is known for performing smooth and accurate PDF to DOC conversions, all in three easy steps: 1) uploading a PDF file, 2) inputting a valid e-mail address and 3) clicking on the “Start” button to initiate conversion.

The users are then sent a direct link to download their MS Word file they can immediately start revising.

For free online software, this PDF to Word Converter is very smooth and reliable. It is also good to know that the tool provider deletes all information received on their server, so that the users don’t need to worry about the safety of their documents.